Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm No Artist #0: Welcome

Welcome to my new comic series.  My hope is for it to be a weekly installment, but that will be entirely dependent upon my capacity for creativity and my resolve to actually draw/edit/upload it.  Both my capacity and resolve have been called into question before.  I'm making no promises.

I've decided to name the series "I'm No Artist".  Well, that's a bit misleading - it's not really a comic "series," per se, in that there is no storyline whatsoever, no uniting theme, and no repertoire of main characters.  It's just funny things up with which my mind comes that I blurb onto paper.  It does, however, have a title that will remain constant, so there's that.

Oh, the title?  "I'm No Artist"?  Yeah, that's completely appropriate and not at all misleading.  Plain and simple: I can't draw.  What you'll see from me might be quite comparable to what you'd find somewhere in the Lascaux Cave.*  Actually, strike that - I'd be insulting those artists by comparing my work to theirs.  Mine is more like something you might find on the internet that was drawn hastily and uploaded amateur-ly by a 20-something male who has no formal training or natural talent for drawing but still presents funny ideas through a visual medium anyways.  Or whatever.

So why have I decided to do the series?  I have a lot of thoughts and ideas that make me chuckle throughout the day, and I like to jot them down on paper to remember them.  They make me smile, and I hope they can make others smile as well.  Sometimes these thoughts-puns-jokes work best as one-liners or other stand-up material, but sometimes they're best presented as a comic.

So why do I think I can execute a comic with no capacity for art?  And why do I keep asking rhetorical questions?  Well, I believe comic artists have two main components: the idea and the execution; ie, the words and the art.  I've got the "words" part down, but the "art" not so much.  Actually, let's break down "art" into it's own two categories: picture and presentation.  I'll define "picture" as the image you have in mind and it's representation on paper.  "Presentation" would be drawing the image in a manner such that the resulting picture is a perfect reflection of what you have in mind.  And since I manage to get something down on the paper, imperfect as it may be, I'll claim a "picture" victory and just lament the "presentation".  So, that's "words" and "picture" under my belt, but not "presentation".  Well, two out of three ain't bad, right Meat Loaf?

As it stands right now, the comics will all be hand-drawn, as it's either that or even worse MS Paint depictions.  (Also, I may or may not draw a majority of the comics at work when I'm bored and the ideas first strike me.)  However, this amateur paper-sketching, low-tech drawing could change as soon as enough of you generous, wealthy people donate money to the Help Joker Purchase A Computer Sketch Pad Thing fund.  And while you're at it, you're welcome to donate enough money such that I can quit my job.  And buy a big house.  And sit in it all day, trying to think of original things to entertain you.  Or think of things that other people have thought of to entertain you and let you know about them.

Phew, that was a lot of words for a post that was supposedly centered around a comic.  I promise those forthcoming will be scant on words and full of not words.  So, without any further ado, I welcome you with patient zero of the series - I'm No Artist #0: Welcome.

I'm No Artist #0: Welcome

*(Lascaux cave virtual tour!  Don't worry, I found the English version for you.)

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